I watched a show the other day featuring a mom who decided to get in the photos with her kids. She has spent years not wanting to get in the pictures for one reason or another. She decided that needed to stop. She wrote an article that landed in the Huffington Post. When I saw the video montage of her speaking about how she came to write the article, I felt just like her. The clincher in her article for me was:
So when all is said and done, if I can't do it for myself, I want to do it for my kids. I want to be in the picture, to give them that visual memory of me. I want them to see how much I am here, how my body looks wrapped around them in a hug, how loved they are.
I find myself behind the camera because I
love to take pictures. I love to see what appears after I click the button. But if I'm never in the pictures, how will my kids remember me? I don't want them to think of me as always behind the camera. I want them to see me in photos with them, flaws and all. The crooked smile God gave me, the pretty days, the bad hair days, whatever the look may be. It is me, spending time with them, loving them like a mom does. Making memories that I'll cherish longer than the few seconds it took to click the camera.
Lovin' these girls of mine!
A favorite!
Cheers to my boy!

See they love me!

Even with a goofy face!
A collage Whit put together from our photo booth pictures.
There are 9,000 of the kids, but I joined in the fun and I'm so glad I did.
How hilarious is the thumb over Whit?!!
Whoever is behind the camera the most in your family... get them out from behind the lens and let someone take over for a few pictures now and then. The pictures will be great and it will be worth having them in the pictures!!