Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A New Look at an Old Tree

We have had some amazing weather. Today, 60+ degrees. The kids were out of school for Thanksgiving, everyone had a friend over and they were outside for the most part. I love Colorado!!

Here is another love in my life here... my tree. I took her picture yesterday from a different view.

So here she is from the South side...

Doesn't she look good?

Ok, I started this post on time, November 21st - my tree photo date is the 20th (or so) each month. I went to post pictures and no space is available. After 2 years I've maxed my photo space. I've looked into various ways to fix this and haven't found the right one yet. Until then, this will be a photo-free blog. Maybe my tree photo will include snow for this month if I can get more space!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

English Majors

I'll spare you the gory details (yes, some were gory because my heart was squashed), but I was an English major by default. When I started college I wanted to be a high school English teacher. After the squashing of my heart (details I promised to spare) I decided to stick with ye old English degree and just get 'er done.

What does one do with an English major and not teach? I guess it is right up there were the ol' psychology degree. The generalness (my own word) of those degrees causes people to scratch their head and say, "So, what do you plan to do with that?" Actually, I knew all along I'd be a mom and would have stayed home regardless of the degree. And that is exactly what I'm doing.

I just finished a book called Second Time Around. Here is a peek at the back-of-the-book synopsis: "Every summer, a group of former English majors holds a mini-reunion. They laugh, reminisce, and commiserate about their soul-sucking jobs. Maybe they should have listened to everyone who warned them to study something 'practicial'." Hmmmm...... One of the friends passes away and leaves them each with an inheritance "with the stipulation that they use it to jump-start their new careers." What made me chuckle was what they each turned around and did. One started a B&B (wanted to do that), one a pastry chef (yep, that too - minus the pastry), an event planner (did that, do that, would love to be paid to do it again), and a novelist (still a dream). What does this say about English majors?

I'm not really sure what it says or what my point is. But I loved the last line of the book:
To the English majors. We may not always be practical,
but we have infinite potential.
This really applies to all of us. We have infinite potential and when we're following our dreams, we don't always have to be practical. Do we?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Day Einstein Feared

I posted a blog with my favorite old guy, Albert Einstein. My mom had sent me this in an email...

The Day That Albert Einstein Feared May Have Finally Arrived

When I put it on my blog it looked great. When it sent to those who subscribe to my blog, it fell apart. So if you are interested in thoughts by the great Al, click here:

Monday, November 5, 2012

"The Mom Stays in the Picture" Can I get an Amen?

I watched a show the other day featuring a mom who decided to get in the photos with her kids. She has spent years not wanting to get in the pictures for one reason or another. She decided that needed to stop. She wrote an article that landed in the Huffington Post. When I saw the video montage of her speaking about how she came to write the article, I felt just like her. The clincher in her article for me was: So when all is said and done, if I can't do it for myself, I want to do it for my kids. I want to be in the picture, to give them that visual memory of me. I want them to see how much I am here, how my body looks wrapped around them in a hug, how loved they are.

I find myself behind the camera because I love to take pictures. I love to see what appears after I click the button. But if I'm never in the pictures, how will my kids remember me? I don't want them to think of me as always behind the camera. I want them to see me in photos with them, flaws and all. The crooked smile God gave me, the pretty days, the bad hair days, whatever the look may be. It is me, spending time with them, loving them like a mom does. Making memories that I'll cherish longer than the few seconds it took to click the camera.

Lovin' these girls of mine!

A favorite!

Cheers to my boy!

See they love me!
Even with a goofy face!
A collage Whit put together from our photo booth pictures.
There are 9,000 of the kids, but I joined in the fun and I'm so glad I did.
How hilarious is the thumb over Whit?!!
Whoever is behind the camera the most in your family... get them out from behind the lens and let someone take over for a few pictures now and then. The pictures will be great and it will be worth having them in the pictures!!
With Kleenex in hand, I highly recomment reading the entire article at:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall with our Tree

The tree is looking so beautiful these days. The fall colors are so becoming on her! Though her day time look is amazing, I have chosen another night time look at her. On my way home from church the sky was so amazing, such vibrant colors. The sunsets God provides for us here in Colorado, none can compare. By the time I got back with my camera, it looked a little differently. I did notice that there was some serious smoke in the sky, thanks to a fire in Rocky Mountain National Park. Here she is...

Quite the glow. We are all done seeing smoke rising from our mountains.

Time for her close up.

A beauty.

Just to the right we see Horsetooth.
What a combination all in one fell swoop.
Happ Fall Ya'll!!
From me and my tree.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Job #12-00251‏

I just sent off the first official cover letter and resume since... I don't even know, before kids I'm sure. That means 14 years ago, plus the years at my last job... too long ago to count. I definitely look like I've been a stay-at-home mom, but that is ok. The site I sent it off to is geared towards those like me!

When I pushed the send button my heart beat a little faster. I got nervous. I think it looked good, I might even get a call. Then the thought crossed my mind, An interview. Sending a resume was scary enough, I might need medication for an interview. I'm getting ahead of myself, relax.

I went to my email and I already received this:

Dear Candidate,

This message is to acknowledge receipt of your resume.
We greatly appreciate your interest in the position.
Your resume will be considered for our current and future opportunities.
Thank you.

Wish me luck, say a prayer and maybe I'll get a call. Funny to feel giddy about something like this after so long. Feels good to push myself like this.