Scott turned 41... happy forty-oneth!!
All said and done, I think I had the most change this week... well, physically at least. I had another basal cell removed last week and asked for this bump on my arm to be taken off too. It was something that started growing in May and my dermatologist had a name for it, but no concern. When I was there last week I said, "It's buggin' me, can you get this too?" He took it off, a big hole was left behind like a bullet wound - it got smaller as it healed. I got a call Monday, "Hi, I have your biopsy results, give me a call." That is never good. Called back and this is the first time I've been told I have a melanoma...
He needed a 1 centimeter border to remove a clean border.
He drew a 2 centimeter circle around my "bullet wound"
to make sure he could then close it up well. Ugh!
Talk about a good husband. He watched the whole thing, never got sick, even took pics and videos if you are the kind of wing-nut who wants to see!! He was getting ready to bandage it back up. I was scared to leave it exposed.
Count 'em baby!! 25 ever lovin' stitches!
Persistence got me those!!!
That is my arm straight by my back...
really hoping that spot fills in!!
My soapbox just got bigger and I'm warning you now: If you don't wear sunscreen in my presence I will tell you to wear it and proceed to point to all my spots! Then I'll leave you alone and give you my dermatologists name if you need him.
So glad the week is over!! I hope you had a wonderful week of change too!!
OH MY GOODNESS, KRIS!!!! THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT FOR BEING PERSISTENT IN KRIS!!!! I'm so glad you listened to Him! About the same thing happened to my cousin there in CO and it was on his neck. Hardly anything on the surface but, oh, what was going on below. He ended up needing all the chemo. and radiation. So by taking care of your little pestering "zit" you were saved a whole world of hurt and a friend who would have cried for you!! (That's me by the way.) NOT that seeing you stitched up like Frankenstein doesn't make me sad but at least I know that sucker is out of there. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I have some lumps and bumps I'm having looked at on Friday by my dermatologist. They're on my scalp under my hair - my hair dresser has been watching them (unbeknownst to me) and she said that they have gotten bigger (she watches out for things like this) so I've an appt. Now after reading your blog I'm glad I did. At first I just wanted to blow it off. I hope you're not aching too much and that you can bend your arm soon. Love you bunches!!