Thursday, July 14, 2011

It Happened

I read an article from a woman who writes on all things girls. She talked about being sad when her 12 year old wanted to put up her American Girl dolls. At the time I thought, That will be sad, good thing I'm not there yet. But it happened the other day. Reagan said, "I want to put my American Girl dolls away. Where should they go?" Where should they go? Displayed with joy in your room wearing those cute little outfits. Wait, never mind. She's 13... yes, they should go in your closet to be saved for your daughter one day. Ok, that is going to make me cry! It happened too fast.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, Momzi. I will most definitely keep them for my daughter. They sure made some great memories!(Ps in the last line it should be'too')
