Sunday, August 14, 2011

Oh Barbie

Last week Whitney experienced a great week at Camp Timberline in Estes Park. She made new friends, had great counselors and overall experienced amazing outdoor adventures. As all of us parents gathered for the closing ceremonies listening to all they did through the week, Tennison was off playing with a buddy. After a bit they come running over laughing. He has multiple Barbie body parts in his hands, LOOK at what I found. Lovely, give them to me... go play. He wanted to know what they were about, but I wasn't ready to take them time right then.

I took them home with me and decided to ask Whitney about it. She said, "We had Barbies and wrote on them the lies people told you (about yourself). I didn't really have any." Then they ripped off their legs, arms and head. "We threw ours in the mud", she says with a smile. She tells me, "It was kinda like getting rid of the lies people told you. And like you're perfect in God's eyes." Yes you are!

Here is the evidence... I even reenacted the setting for you in my backyard.

These are the items brought to me.

Upon closer view your heart starts to break a little.

And a little more.

When Whitney explained what it was about I knew this was a good exercise for girls. To learn at an early age that kids can say mean things, but that they are truly lies, is a valuable lesson. She didn't have anything negative to write about herself, as a mom that makes my heart soar. I hope she will always remember that she is PERFECT in God's eyes... and her mom's.

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