Thursday, August 25, 2011

Urban Decay

I have a 13 year old and it is more obvious now than ever before. This was the child who in kindergarten would kindly agree to outfits I picked out at the store, we'd bring them home and then she'd never wear them. She had an opinion about her wardrobe, but didn't share it for fear of hurting my feelings. She has an opinion still and is learning how to voice it. We've landed on a fun style fitting her fun and feminine personality.

This summer she asked about wearing eyeliner. I thought, we can do that. She said she'd like to go to Sephora where her friends bought theirs. How much are we talking? Well, I don't spend that much so we'll start in the Cover Girl/Maybeline range. No opinion voiced, but I could tell this wasn't what she had hoped for. We picked it out, were on our way home and this thought hit me upside the head. She wants the kind like her friends, not the kind you want her to have. She wants to fit in. DUH! I turn the car around and off to Sephora we go. This is not my area of expertise, she needed Aunt Shelly for this. The cute employee with purple streaked hair was awesome. The brand she wanted: Urban Decay. Ga-rose. Who would choose that name for a brand. Here are my thoughts:


1. In, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town: "the urban population".
2. Denoting or relating to popular dance music.

Verb: (of organic matter) Rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.
Noun: The state or process of rotting or decomposition.
Put those 2 definitions together as you like, here is what I chose: Eyeliner made of city rot. See? Ga-rose. But they didn't ask me in their company name planning meeting.

After spending more than I do on eyeliner, we left with a lesson in applying eyeliner and more importantly... a very happy teenager who will fit in with her friends. She was more than thankful and I got it... she is just like I was at that age. Besides, Urban Decay sure beats my liquid purple (or maybe it was green) eyeliner. Mom, what were you thinking? Oh, that you wanted me to fit in too, that's right!
Lesson learned.

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