Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Best Party

There is nothing like hearing, "Mom that was the best party", as your to-be-7-year-old stands there with a big smile and a football under each arm. The amount of time and energy I spent on that party was completely worth it once I heard those words. We ended up having it at the church, who woulda thought? Scott. We were in the giant room that Kids Blast is in, so a lot of running around space. Scott pulled out the portable hoop (I'll be hearing about that later, uh-oh), a Foosball table and the Wii. There was a little something for everyone.

As I'm talking with a couple of the moms, in walk 5 CSU football players. I was so distracted. One literally looked like a superhero. He should have had a shiny suit and a cape, somewhat like Superman... or Scott. Anyway, Scott had talked to his co-worker and friend Reza about the possibility of a CSU Ram coming to help do some football drills. To which he said, I have one right here, I'll let you know. We thought one, maybe two would come... but we had 5. And the quarterback to boot!! See Tennison, the QB is the guy to be - he is always protected (until he gets sacked) and look, this one is so nice!

Down, set, hike birthday boy!

Huddle up!

They started playing basketball with the kids at the hoop, Foosball with Tennison's buddy Brandon, and then headed up a game of flag football. They were the best! It was a topper that we hadn't really expected.

The cupcakes we delicious, the popcorn girls - Whitney and Courtney - were amazing, the gifts were so generous, and the birthday boy was incredibly happy. The mom and dad were exhausted and feel grateful to have another year until we plan a boy birthday party, they are full of energy and then some. We went home and started packing for the big Road Trip. Wow, a lot in 24 hours.

Present time!

Tennison, you have a heart of gold, I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you. Always be the best you. By the way, you had your party, but can you please just stay 6?

 I love you a bushel and a peck.

Thanks Rams for making one 7 year old birthday AMAZING!

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