Sunday, March 20, 2011

I LOVE March 20th

There are two major reasons to love this day. First, and most importantly, it is Tennison's birthday. He turned the big 7 at 12:44 a.m. We read through his baby book last night and were reminded that we were in the hospital 26 minutes before he was born. I know the nurse thought I was a crazy first-time-mom who was being dramatic. Nope, that would be third time mom who didn't have much time, so STEP ON IT! We didn't know what (who) we were having with all 3 kids, so either way Scott and I decided it would be: Oh my word, another girl! Or, Oh my word a boy!! We are so thankful to have Tennison.

The second reason to love today is that it is the first day of Spring. Tennison was 2 full weeks overdue and so for all the March 21st birthdays who claim that is the first day of spring, we claim today because I needed that little reward on top of a healthy baby! There isn't much sign of Spring today, except for a sunny day and warm temps ahead.

Eating on our It's My Day Let's Celebrate plate,
Tennison was eyeing the right birthday donut!

 I think we sang Happy Birthday 4 times before we got it just right!!

On our way out from our second round of In-N-Out burgers in AZ, Scott noticed this buggy. Scott asked if Ten could get on it.  It was all souped up, so cool!

Missing another tooth!!

An Arizona birthday party, we've had a few of those. When he was 2 he stuck 2 kernels of corn up his nose while in AZ, that was fun... I was bound and determined not to go to the ER for kernels up the schnoz. So with a lot of digging and a flashlight, we got 'em out.

We got going this morning after our power breakfast of donuts and headed out to the park. The wind was blowing so we had to take our kites! What a blast!! Even getting Reagan & Ten's kites tangled was fun.

Lets go fly a kite, up to the heighest height!
Mary Poppins

At the top of this big hill there is a huge "crater".
The kids loved sliding down into it.

A little park time, a little March Madness time...

A lot of present time!

The big gift was a fishing pole, he's super excited to give it a go.

Oh... and some boxers... apparently for his head.

I LOVE this kid!!

Happy Birthday Tennison.
I couldn't love you any more than I do.
Well, maybe tomorrow I will.

1 comment:

  1. I love Birthday Donuts!! Tennison is awesome.
