Thursday, March 3, 2011

Flipping Out!

I love March. I love the signs of spring. I love that Tennison's birthday is on the first day of spring. I love that when March hit on Tuesday it felt like maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't see snow again until next winter. I love that the kids think they can officially wear flip flops now.

One new sign of spring for us has been the birds. The sound of their chirping makes me giddy. It makes me long for my summer mornings on the patio reading a good book and drinking coffee before the kids get up. Some birds I call those darn birds. They wake us up early, they build nests in our Evergreen tree and torment us. The ones I really loathe are those I see in the reflection of my computer screen as I type. They fly in and out from my front porch. It isn't a big space, so they move quick. What they are trying to do is build a cozy little nest for their potential babies. I in turn have put large rocks on the brick ledge to deter them from their efforts. What I envision is them dive bombing any guest who tries to get to the door. I see mass poop on the steps. I see problems. So I better get out there and up my efforts, because I'm bound and determined to keep those darn birds from my porch. It really does flip me out.

You other cute little, fat bellied, Red Robins can come join me in the backyard where I know you won't try to kill me.

P.S. Now I get why my college roommate Debi had a major fear of birds. She would death grip my hand if one came near us. I get it now, I really get it.

* Debi read this and told me, Phobias are not fads... she is still deathly afraid of birds!! She held true, opposed to our roommate who was a vegetarian and caved after she was lured by the smell of cooking chicken as a nanny. Wimp.

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