Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break Photo Album

Here is a look at our Spring Break in Arizona. We had a blast while we visited my parents in their snowbird state of mind! They were the for February and March, we'll see them soon again.

Breakfast in the car on our way out of town.

The mom is the one who crawls to the back to fix movies and gets jabbed by small toys while trying to help. Scott uses his height to his advantage in these cases...
a built in reason not to do this.


New Mexico... we're so close guys!

If there was enough room (and enough money) I would have taken this horse home with me. Reagan would have scooted over to make room in the van I'm sure.

Old Scottsdale

Whitney's new friend.

Mom's friend got a little fresh with her.

 The Sugar Bowl, Grandpa Skip's favorite place... or wait, is it Nana's?
Now it is our's too.

They ate the whole thing. We all did!!

Ooops, you again? I would have given you a nice home.

There was a great area near their house with a fitness center, cafe, pool, bocci ball, pickle ball and more.

In one of the rooms they loan out puzzles, Whitney's heaven.
What will a girl grow up to be that can do a puzzle in record time
without looking at the picture on the box?

My dad's love of trains has rubbed off on Tennison. There is a group of volunteers who run this train a few mornings a week.


If ever you see me in a pool, that means it was really warm, more like hot. Otherwise, I'm the pool doer - get this, get that, adjust goggles... wimpy.

Scott was only able to stay for half of our AZ trip one year, didn't come the last time, this time he stayed the whole week. The kids were beside themselves when he said he'd be there!! These kids love their daddy!!!

In-N-Out was worth the 5 month wait - had it last in CA.
We even went twice... yikes!

A little crazy in the car after In-N-Out. I don't know if it was the flash going off in the dark, but we caused Dad to run a light... oops. There is a lot of grace in Sun City with the oldies!!

Golfing was Scott's highlight! He was able to do 18 holes with my dad and took Tennison to the driving range a couple of times. Those titanium hips and titanium driver have helped his game!

On our way out of town we saw at least 15 hot air balloons - what a sight!

Reagan trying to get her own bubble to float her home faster than a 15 hour car ride.

Storms 'a brewin' Betty!

Well, we did it! We made it in good time, safe and sound. We had a great week and made a lot of memories!  We couldn't asked for better weather too, it was beautiful. To have gone to California in the fall and Arizona in the spring makes us feel pretty lucky right about now. Thanks Mom & Dad for a fun week, you were so generous and such great hosts.

P.S. Blogging can make ones life look pretty perfect. But let me tell you a little secret: From the second we got in the car leaving our driveway, the kids were pills. Whitney was sick with a cold (sniffle, sniffle, cough, cough, blowing her nose, ug!), which didn't help. And the dreaded, How much longer? Shockingly it was totally different on the way home. So really, we are all just the same, but who wants to read a blog about the bummer stuff in life?


  1. start posting the real stuff - the unflushed toilet, the kids fighting, the bike wrecks, early morning hair, etc. Just kidding. So glad you enjoyed your break.

  2. My grandparents used to live in Sun City. I used to LOVE to go visit them. My granpa would let us drive his golf cart all over the place. Unsupervised. Nice seeing pics of the family and your folks.
