Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cat Attack

There I am, minding my own P's & Q's (Did you know that means minding your own pints and quarts? People at the bars in the old days would say to mind your own pints and quarts instead of butting into other people's business. Closet Genius at work!)... back to my story. So there I am on a walk with Moka in our green space. I'm done with the real walk, this is the fun run around time. I'm heading up the lawn and I hear a loud barking dog and see him hauling out of his house toward us. I was sure he was going to scale the fence and eat Moka and have me for dessert. Nope, he was all bark and stayed in the yard. Whew! I then notice a black cat laying low in the yard next to it. Oh, he's just hiding out, we're good. No sooner did I think that than this cat came tearing after Moka. She's freakin' out running for her life, the cat was relentless. I'm screaming NO, NO!! Then it decides I'll get you, you crazy screamer. It turns and runs at me full force, grabs my leg and digs in. I'm screaming again, GET OFF!!!! Hmmm, 2 screen doors open and nobody comes to help. I finally shake the thing off and yell, Whose cat is this? Then I decide to run for my life. Moka and I took off for home and that is where I fell apart.

I called Scott at church and told him what happened. Not something he expected to hear, ever.  After discovering some serious cuts I cleaned it up and went to urgent care. That is where I got a tetnis shot, was scrubbed up, bandaged and got a perscription for an antibiotic. I also had to fill out paperwork for animal control - good! Scott got the kids early from church and met me there. When we got home he went over to the owner and they felt terrible. Now that I think about it, I did hear someone scream. I just thought it was kids playing.

I started taking pictures for the crime scene investigation, ha. Then it hit me, BLOG! Enjoy!

At approximately 7:43 I was attacked by a cat.
I then came home at 7:48 to investigate.

Tears came fast when I saw this!

Blood drug by your pant leg always looks worse than it is. I cried some more.

The nurse said, "Oh, was it your cat?" NO! I hate cats and this sealed the deal. I got nothing from her, apparently she likes cats. I didn't make a fast friend. She lightened up later though when she was filling me in on just how ferocious cats can be. Comforting.


How annoying when all I wanted was to take Moka on a walk.

But then I think, it could have been the dog. He would have taken my arm, so this is better.

My fan club. Reagan said I just need to stay home on these nights. The last church night they got out early was because I got in an accident. Of course the details relayed to the kids on this meant I was a shredded mess. Scott and I have some communication issues to iron out.

Now I'm on meds so I don't get cat cooties.

I went to see if the cat wripped my fave workout pants and it did. Then look what I found, evidence. His nail was in my pants.

At about 10:50 last night we got a knock on the door. Our neighbor, who we didn't know prior to this, stopped by to appologize. She had tears in her eyes, I know she felt horrible. I think we'll be friends.

Moral of the story? There isn't one. But it just confirmed my loath of cats. Now it may have turned into a fear. Great.

Cute side note: On the way home Tennison told me it was a good thing it wasn't a canine that got me, he would have held on and it would have just bled and bled. I said, "If a dog is a canine, what is a cat?" Um, a K-8? How stinkin' cute is that? He knows K-9 from cop cars.


  1. Glad you are ok. Aren't you glad you shaved your legs that morning! My luck I would have had man legs for those nice photos. LOL! Bev

  2. i have a horrible fear of cats - now it is even worse.

  3. Oh my word and bless your heart!!! You and Jeff Lucas... are you related? :) Glad you are okay... and I'm with the kids. Just stay home on church night! :)

  4. Good gravy! Cats give me the creeps. Your joke about K-8's gave me a good chuckle.
